Future Plans

Ab192 Texas butterfly garden at the nbc Page 1-350Thanks to you, the National Butterfly Center is growing!  While we continue adding beds, trails, features and exhibits, Phase III of the NBC is an enormous undertaking. To read more about the plans for this part of the NBC, see the article in American Butterflies

The Exhibit Hall and formal gardens will feature hundreds of ornamentals and easy to maintain plants that are native to South Texas and Northern Mexico. Each bed in this special attraction will belong to a specific butterfly. For example, the Bluewing garden will be built around Vasey's Wild-lines, the only plant bluewing caterpillars eat; and the Red-bordered Pixie garden will be all about sweet monkeypod trees, the only plant pixie caterpillars will eat. The Texas Butterfly Gardens will be the first gardens in the world where each bed is designed for a particular butterfly. 

We need your generous support to realize this exciting next phase of development. For this reason, the NBC offers an array of naming opportunities to recognize the individual and corporate donors who are making this world-class, national education-conservation center possible. 

Naming Opportunities

Entire National Butterfly Center



The National Butterfly Center wishes to acknowledge this most generous contribution to the project by providing naming rights as the donor for the entire center.

Visitor's Pavilion



The Pavilion is the gateway to the National Butterfly Center. This landmark building, by renowned architect Wendy Evans Joseph, contains eye-catching educational exhibits and introduces visitors to the exciting world of butterflies!
Exhibit Hall   $175,000
Installed Exhibits (Six Total) each   $15,000
Monitor Wall (Digital Exhibit Display)   $75,000
Reception Lobby   $30,000
Conference Room   NAMED
Gift Shop   $75,000
Cafe   $75,000
Courtyard   $100,000

Gardens at the Visitors Pavilion



The extensive gardens adjacent to the Visitors Pavilion are the key feature ensuring the success of the National Butterfly Center.


Woodland Grove of Hackberry Trees   $100,000
Native Grassland/Endangered Wildflower Refugium   NAMED
Each of four special "First Greeting" gardens   $35,000
"First Greeting" central square with trees   $100,000
Central Fountain   $75,000
Display Gardens   $200,000
Entry Aisle of retama trees   $50,000
Entry Walkway Gardens   $75,000
Great Lawn   $75,000
Event Center   $300,000
Four Seasons Gardens   $250,000
Each of seven Gardens   $75,000
Monarch Garden   $100,000
Each of nine Species Gardens   $60,000
Butterfly House   $250,000
Butterfly Pyramid   $150,000
Each retama or wild olive tree   $250
Each limestone bench  



If you would like your legacy to be one of conservation and beauty, please contact our Executive Director, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., to discuss naming opportunities available through our Capital Campaign. 


We are grateful for the support of:

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Inside the National Butterfly Center

Hours of Operation

Open 8am-5pm, 7 Days a Week

Weather permitting, closed some holidays (please call ahead)

Come See Us

3333 Butterfly Park Drive
Mission, TX 78572
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GPS Coordinates:
26.180243 -98.364973

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