Before you visit the National Butterfly Center, here are a few things you should know: 
1) We are NOT a national park, state park, or public property supported by taxpayer dollars. For this reason, your "park pass" is not valid here. We are a nonprofit organization that relies upon admission fees, programs, plant and gift shop sales, and donations to fund operations.
2) We are NOT a butterfly house. We are a 100-acre nature center planted for butterflies, so they are all outside and free-flying. Come prepared to walk earthen trails, deal with the weather and look for birds, butterflies and other wildlife in their native habitat.
3) Mother Nature controls the seasons, regulates the plants and determines the volume of butterflies in flight at any given time of year--NOT us. For this reason, drought, cold and cloudy weather, rain, high winds and other natural phenomena will affect the number of species and individual butterflies present.
4) We welcome the opportunity to teach visitors about butterflies, their habitat and needs, so please feel free to CALL before you visit, if you are not sure what is happening at the National Butterfly Center, in the gardens and on the grounds. 
5) We expect all visitors to follow the rules, listed below, for your safety and the benefit of butterflies.
White Scrub Hairstreak


  • Please observe and obey all posted signs.
  • The posted speed limit is 10 MPH. No speeding or off-roading is permitted on the grounds. Parking is permitted in designated areas, only.
  • Smoking is prohibited in all buildings and on the grounds.
  • Children must be supervised at all times. Climbing trees, throwing stones and play that may cause injury to persons and property is not permitted.
  • Stay on the paths and trails. Walking through tall grass may give you a nasty case of chiggers. And yes, there are snakes out there.
  • Picking or removing plant material (including flowers, fruit and seeds) or animals at any stage of their lifecycle is not permitted. Seed collection may be arranged with special permission through the administrative office.
  • Please do not feed or handle wildlife, including butterflies. Do not harass or approach wild animals. Fishing is not allowed.
  • The taking of wildlife, including insects, caterpillars, chrysalids, butterflies and moths will result in immediate removal and revocation of privileges at the National Butterfly Center.
  • Playing recorded music and birdsong is prohibited.
  • Loud, boisterous, threatening, abusive, insulting and indecent language is prohibited, as is disorderly conduct. Behaviors such as this will result in removal without any refund of fees.
  • Bicycling is permitted only on the main roadway through the property, not on the trails or in the gardens.
  • Pets are not allowed on the property. Registered service animals are welcome; however, they must remain with their owner, not tethered or allowed to roam the property.
  • Picnicking is permitted and encouraged. Large groups may rent and reserve the Monarch Palapa for private functions, through the Visitor’s Pavilion.
  • Please dispose of all waste properly. Receptacles for trash are provided throughout the property.
  • Grilling, open fires and the consumption of alcoholic beverages are prohibited without a facility rental agreement that make special provision for these activities.
  • Carrying firearms on the property by licensed or unlicensed person is prohibited, with the exception of on-duty law enforcement personnel.
  • No solicitation or sale of any goods or services is allowed without special authorization by the Executive Director.
  • Portrait photography may take place only with pre-arrangement and fee payment. Professional photographers must accept responsibility for their subjects and ensure they abide by all the applicable rules for on-site photography.
  • The North American Butterfly Association and the National Butterfly Center are not responsible for accidents or injuries involving visitors, volunteers, members or service animals; nor are we responsible for damage, theft or loss of personal property. Please lock your car and keep valuables with you.

Hours of Operation

Open 8am-5pm, 7 Days a Week

Weather permitting, closed some holidays (please call ahead)

Come See Us

3333 Butterfly Park Drive
Mission, TX 78572
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GPS Coordinates:
26.180243 -98.364973

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