Proud Partner with the Girl Scouts

Girl-Scouts-Facebook-PromoThe National Butterfly Center is thrilled to present the following programs for Girl Scouts, only.  

What could be better than earning badges at the National Butterfly Center, where you never know what you will see!  Explore and enjoy wild butterflies, birds of prey, endangered and protected species, and the South Texas specialties that are free to roam, here, where every visit is a unique experience, and each program is designed to provide close encounters with our natural wonders. 

QUESTIONS?  Call 956.583.5400, or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

We look forward to seeing you!


2025 Events


Survivor: South Texas

Limit: 100 Girl Scouts 

Date: Saturday, March 1, 2025

Time: 9 AM – 12 PM

Go INTO THE WILD for a new fun patch at the National Butterfly Center, where you will earn your FIRST AID badge for Brownies – Ambassadors, and a whole lot of skills for a confident life outside. From splints and stings, to snakes and sunstroke, there is plenty for girls (and grownups) to learn about outdoor safety and how to handle the hazards you may encounter during a lifetime of adventure.  

Badges earned will be:

  • Daisies: Trail Adventure & Into The Wild Patch
  • Brownies: Trail Adventure, Hiker, First Aid, & Into The Wild Patch
  • Juniors: Trail Adventure, First Aid, & Into the Wild Patch
  • Cadettes: Trail Adventure, Trailblazing, First Aid, & Into The Wild Patch 
  • Seniors: Trail Adventure, Adventurer, First Aid
  • Ambassadors: Trail Adventure, First Aid, & Into The Wild Patch

Fees are listed per level and person. Registration includes your badges, fun patch, supplies, instructional programs from 9AM - 12PM, plus all-day park admission. There is no charge for 2 leaders/troop; parents and siblings pay applicable park admission, only.  All participants are invited to pack a lunch and picnic under the palapa.

Space is extremely limited for this awesome experience, and this event will sell out quickly. Please register online, at least two weeks before the event. 

  • Daisy (1 badge + patch): $25 ea.
  • Brownie (3 badges + patch): $35 ea. 
  • Junior (2 badges + patch): $30 ea.  
  • Cadette (3 badges + patch): $35 ea. 
  • Senior (2 badges + patch): $30 ea.  
  • Ambassador (2 badges + patch): $30 ea.

For more information call 956.583.5400.


Sleepover Under the Stars 

Limit: 50 Girl Scouts 

Date: Saturday, April 5 & 6, 2025

Time: 6pm to 8am

Always a sell-out event, spend the night under the stars at the National Butterfly Center where Brownies – Seniors are invited to participate in our OVERNIGHT event. Camp is anchored by our Metamorphosis Teepee, where you may hold your own midnight council meeting, over hot chocolate and s'mores.  Although Daisy troops are not invited to this event, younger siblings attending with their sister(s) earn Buddy Camper; Brownies also earn Outdoor Adventurer; Cadettes earn Night Owl; and Seniors earn Adventure Camper, in this special opportunity to gain skills and spend the night under the south Texas stars.   

Badges earned will be:

  • Daisy Sibling: Buddy Camper
  • Brownie: Eco Friend, Outdoor Adventurer
  • Junior: Camper, Eco Camper
  • Cadette: Eco Trekker, Night Owl
  • Senior: Adventure Camper

Fees are listed per level and person. Registration includes badge(s), s’mores & instructional programs from 6:00PM - 8:00AM. 

Food and camping supplies not included.

We have a limited number of tents available for use on a first come, first served basis. Tents must be reserved with registration, by calling the Chrysalis Pavilion. 

Space is extremely limited for this awesome experience, and this event will sell out quickly.  

Please register online, at least two weeks before the event so we may endeavor to have badges available for you on the day of the event.

  • Daisy SIBLING (1 badge): $25 ea.
  • Brownie (2 badges): $40 ea.  
  • Junior (2 badges): $40 ea.  
  • Cadette (2 badges): $40 ea. 
  • Senior (1 badges): $30 ea.

For more information call 956.583.5400. 59060d910cbeef0acff9a661

We are grateful for the support of:

City-of-Mission-Color-Logo bentsen-palm

Hours of Operation

Open 8am-5pm, 7 Days a Week

Weather permitting, closed some holidays (please call ahead)

Come See Us

3333 Butterfly Park Drive
Mission, TX 78572
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

GPS Coordinates:
26.180243 -98.364973

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